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How To Make Your Hair Grow Longer And Faster

Hair Growing Tips

Long beautiful hair is not something you can have overnight. It needs proper hair care and healthy habits, followed dedicatedly over a long period of time.

Here are some tips to grow your hair longer, healthier and more beautiful.

  • First, wash your hair regularly with a shampoo that is suitable for your type of hair. Shampooing your hair regularly will cleanse your hair and scalp and help maintain healthy hair. However, you have to keep in mind that shampooing your hair too frequently is not recommended as it can affect the natural moisture level of your hair. Two or three shampoo washes per week should be sufficient. Also, while washing your hair you should always use cold water. Using cold water helps to close the hair cuticles, thereby retaining moisture in the hair.


  • Another equally important practice is to use a good conditioner after every hair wash. Conditioner is especially important for long hair because the moisturizing oils produced in the scalp do not reach easily the ends of the hairs. Long hair, therefore, tends to become dry easily, and then becomes weak and brittle. The best way to apply conditioner is to take generous amount of conditioner and work it thoroughly you’re your hair right after a wash. This way, the moisture that is already absorbed can be trapped in the hair more effectively.

  • Apply a mixture of coconut oil and almond on your hair and scalp at regular intervals. A massage of these oils will help strengthen the hair roots and aid growth of hair.

  • Take care of your diet so that you have enough protein in your meals. Protein is essential for the health and growth of hair. Besides protein, your food should also contain essential oils, vitamins (B, C, and E), and minerals (zinc, sulfur, and magnesium).

  • Trim your hair at regular intervals so that the split ends of the hairs are eliminated. Split ends, if not trimmed, can damage the whole hair.

  • Take adequate steps to protect your hair from becoming weak and entangled. There are many ways you may be unknowingly harming your hairs. One of the common harmful methods is the way hair is dried. Do not rub a towel with force on your hair. Instead, you should gently blot the extra water from your hair with a dry towel, and then let your hair dry naturally. Doing so will ensure that the hair does not get entangled, knotted, or broken. Use of a blow dryer should also be avoided as far as possible because regular use of it can damage your hair. Another common way to harm your hair is by following an improper method of combing. Do not comb your hair when wet, and never force the comb through a knot – knots should be loosened with your fingers.

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Hair By Renee

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